How To Initiate Sex: How 21 Women Initiate Sex

Are you ready to take control in the bedroom? Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie, these 21 tips will help you take charge and initiate intimacy like never before. From setting the mood to trying new positions, these tips will have you feeling empowered and confident in the bedroom. So, if you're ready to explore the world of female domination, check out this guide for all the tips and tricks you need to know.

When it comes to initiating sex, there's often a misconception that it's solely the man's responsibility. However, the truth is that both men and women can take the lead in initiating intimacy. To shed light on this topic, we asked 21 women to share their experiences and strategies for initiating sex. Here's what they had to say.

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Setting the Mood

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Many of the women we spoke to emphasized the importance of setting the mood before initiating sex. This often involves creating a romantic and intimate atmosphere. For some, this means lighting candles and playing soft music, while others prefer a more spontaneous approach. One woman mentioned that she likes to surprise her partner by initiating sex in unexpected places, such as the kitchen or the shower.

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Communicating Desire

Communication was another key theme that emerged from our conversations. Several women mentioned that they prefer to be direct and vocal about their desires. One woman explained that she likes to express her attraction to her partner through verbal cues and flirtatious banter. Another woman mentioned that she finds it empowering to communicate her sexual desires openly, as it helps to build trust and intimacy in the relationship.

Physical Touch

Physical touch was also a popular method of initiating sex among the women we spoke to. Many women mentioned that they use subtle gestures, such as kissing, caressing, or cuddling, to convey their desire for intimacy. One woman explained that she likes to initiate sex by initiating physical contact, such as holding her partner's hand or giving them a massage. Another woman mentioned that she finds it effective to use body language, such as making prolonged eye contact or leaning in close, to signal her interest in sexual intimacy.


For some women, spontaneity is the key to initiating sex. One woman mentioned that she likes to surprise her partner by initiating sex at unexpected times, such as during a romantic dinner or while watching a movie together. Another woman explained that she finds it exciting to be spontaneous and unpredictable in her approach to initiating sex, as it keeps the passion alive in her relationship.

Initiating Through Text

In today's digital age, many women are using technology to initiate sex. Several women mentioned that they like to send flirty or suggestive texts to their partners as a way of expressing their desire for intimacy. One woman explained that she finds it effective to send her partner a sexy photo or a playful message to ignite their passion. Another woman mentioned that she enjoys using emojis and playful language to initiate sex through text.

Taking the Lead

Finally, many of the women we spoke to emphasized the importance of taking the lead in initiating sex. One woman explained that she finds it empowering to take charge and initiate intimacy with her partner. Another woman mentioned that she likes to be the one to initiate sex, as it allows her to express her desires and take an active role in her sexual experiences.

In conclusion, there are many different ways that women can initiate sex. From setting the mood and communicating desire to using physical touch and spontaneity, there are countless strategies for expressing sexual interest. By taking the lead and being open and honest about their desires, women can empower themselves to initiate sex and build intimacy in their relationships.